RECERTIFICATION is required every 3 years.
Recertification requirements:
The requirements for recertification include signing Professional Standards and Ethical Practice Form and 30 completed hours of CEs. A minimum of 15 hours must pertain specifically to QEEG and 2 in ethics and the recertification fee of $300, every 3 years.
CEs are attainable through the following:
- Attending a minimum of 15 hours of trainings, plenaries and other discussions that specifically pertain to QEEG, including IQCB accredited didactic coursework; the remaining hours can be earned in fields of application such as EEG, neurotherapy, psychophysiology, brain anatomy. (1 CE per hour)
- Presenting a workshop, plenary or other discussion that pertains to EEG and/or QEEG. (1 CE per hour)
- Publishing an article pertaining to QEEG in a peer-reviewed journal. (15 CEs)
The CEs detailed below qualify as QEEG-specific CEs for your IQCB recertification:
- ARTICLES: Read approved online articles and answer a short questionnaire. Earn 1 CE for each article. NOTE: These articles are located under the Resource section of the IQCB website below the Reading List with Links and can only be accessed when you are logged in to our website. A maximum of 5 articles/year can be earned; we will be adding new articles each year. Upload the certificate issued after successfully completing the questionnaire to your Certemy profile as recertification CEs.
- QEEG MENTORING: Qualified Diplomates that provide mentoring to QEEG candidates can earn 1 CE for each mentoring hour. Simply upload a copy of the *Mentor Verification Form completed for your mentee to your Certemy profile as recertification CEs.
- PEER-PEER CONSULTING: Diplomates that continue to advise their mentees and colleagues regarding QEEG applications can earn 1 CE for each hour toward their recertification. And, the mentees/colleagues also earn 1 CE for each hour toward their QEEG-T/D recertification. Log in to the IQCB website and complete the Contact Hour Verification Form and upload to your Certemy profile under QEEG-specific CEs. NOTE: This form is located under the Resource section of the IQCB website below the Reading List with Links and can only be accessed when you are logged in to our website.
- APEd: Ethics for QEEG Practitioners
- InMindOut: QEEG Ethics and Professional Conduct
Advanced EEG Interpretation
Introduction to QEEG Brain Function Analysis
Presented by Manuel “Dom” Halter, PhD, JD, MA, BCN, QEEGD
Reading between the lines. Intro to QEEG for mental health practitioners.
Presented by Manuel Halter, PhD, MA, BCN, QEEGD
Brain Waves and their EEG Generators
Presented by Taylor Capozziello, PhD, CMT, BCN, BCB
Identifying EEG Activity
Presented by Manuel “Dom” Halter, PhD, JD, MA, BCN, QEEGD
Expect the Unexpected: Epilepsy and the Foundation of Neurofeedback
Presented by Jay Gunkelman, QEEGD-Emeritus
Please NOTE: You will be directed to our certification partner Certemy’s website and prompted to log-in when you click the link below.