Bar Lehmann has a private practice, Better State of Mind located in Washington, DC which is an integrative mental health center that specializes in neurofeedback services including qEEG, traditional neurofeedback, biofeedback, ISF (infra slow frequency) neurofeedback. Populations served include children, youth, and adults with various mental health issues including but not limited to anxiety, ADHD, depression, ASD/autism, and neurodiverse clients. Both in-person neurofeedback services, as well as remote training options, are available.
Bar Lehmann has been extremely dedicated to providing top quality and comprehensive services with regard to neurofeedback and in general, and he has the highest credentials for neurofeedback in Washington, DC. These credentials include not only a BCN (biofeedback certification international alliance) but also the QEEG-D certification. Better State of Mind qEEG evaluations may include a licensed neurologist providing a more comprehensive review of brain data and is licensed to call out features in a brain map that warrant further medical evaluation when relevant. Bar Lehmann was mentored by the world-renowned QEEG expert, Jay Gunkelman, for his QEEG Diplomate, and has years of experience working at different neurofeedback clinics as a neurofeedback clinician before starting his own practice, Better State of Mind. Bar Lehmann continues to regularly collaborate with various other seasoned neurofeedback professionals in the Mid Atlantic Biofeedback Society and International Society for Neuroregulation and Research where he is an active member. He also contributes to EEG research at Georgetown University on EEG and epilepsy.