In addition to traditionally informed approaches to psychological intervention, we also offer assessment and treatment with the added opportunity to engage modern methods of Neurotherapy technologies, including QEEG brain mapping, neurostimulation, and neurofeedback.
Neurotherapy can often be a powerful catalyst for change deep within an individual’s neural networks. When combined with psychotherapy, this treatment approach can offer lasting relief from distressing symptoms and can result in profound personal transformation.
Foothills Integrative Psychology & Neurotherapy employs the most advanced technology for treating the brain including transcranial direct current stimulation, transcranial alternating current stimulation, pink/brown/white noise stimulation, and pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation. We've just added transcranial vagal nerve stimulation to our offering and we combine these technologies to provide treatments uniquely designed to address the symptoms and concerns of patients.
In addition to treating the brain, we offer the most up-to-date trauma processing including EMDR, Deep Brain Reorienting, Natural Processing, and Integrative Body Psychotherapy. All our staff are either registered or provisionally registered psychologists and provide either Neurotherapy, psychotherapy, or both combined.
I bring 25 years of experience as a clinical and counseling psychologist and combine this with QEEG assessments and Neurotherapy to address presenting concerns and issues with particular expertise in PTSD, C-PTSD, attachment trauma in children, depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, concussion, and chronic pain.