newEpoc offers a number of services to help neurofeedback clinicians make informed decisions about their client training. Our mission is to support neurofeedback clinicians in creating quality reports and protocols to train their clients. newEpoc primarily specializes in surface, sLORETA and swLORETA analysis, protocol design, and reporting. We have seen rapid improvements in clients through LORETA training and are working to bring LORETA to more clinics by aiding in the complexities of data analysis and protocol design.
Additionally, newEpoc offers surface training analysis, reports and training protocols. These are based on the client's raw EEG data and maps and are not restricted to z-score training. We recognize that a major part of the story is found in the wave morphology. Therefore, we pay special attention to raw EEG data and we thoroughly hand artifact each recording. Lastly, we provide consultations for a variety of topics such as data collection, data analysis, protocol design and more.